Soil care and crop rotation @ Calthorpe Community Garden


We worked alongside LEAP Micro AD and members of Calthorpe Community Garden to improve soil quality and try out some new growing methods to increase the garden’s salad yields. We also set up some new composting and fermentation systems, did soil tests, ran training workshops for volunteers and co-produced a new signage system for the garden.

Testimonial: "Although The Calthorpe Community Garden has long had a vegetable garden, we felt that we could and should improve our food production. At the spring of 2018, Compost Mentis helped us introduce a new crop rotation, and showed us how to make the production process more efficient, teaching us new ways of seed sowing, planting and harvesting, many of those methods are still used in our garden to this day. We have tailored our new knowledge to our needs, started to monitor our harvests and we are very proud that we could double our yields for two consecutive years and harvested more than 200 kgs of vegetable in 2019."

Katalin, Closed-Loop Coordinator Calthorpe Community Garden

2 people lean over some seed trays in a polytunnel, sowing seeds
fine compost is being poured from a metal bin into a wheelbarrow
a person is attending to some polytunnel staging with many seed trays and seedlings, some with clear plastic lids.
a multigenerational group (mostly elders) stand together in dappled light in a garden smiling.
3 elders sieve compost by some compost bays, smiling.